Lake Mistassini is the largest natural lake by surface area in the province of Quebec, Canada, with a total surface area of approximately 2,335 square kilometres and a net area of 2,164 square kilometres. It is located in the Jamésie region of the province, approximately 360 kilometers east of James Bay. The Cree town of Mistissini is located on Watson Peniā¦Lake Mistassini is the largest natural lake by surface area in the province of Quebec, Canada, with a total surface area of approximately 2,335 square kilometres and a net area of 2,164 square kilometres. It is located in the Jamésie region of the province, approximately 360 kilometers east of James Bay. The Cree town of Mistissini is located on Watson Peninsula in the south-east corner of the lake, which separates Baie du Poste from Abatagouche Bay. Extensive forests of spruce, birch, pine, and fir trees, which support a booming forestry industry, surround the lake.