Mich., blasted President Donald Trump’s foreign policy agenda Tuesday after the president addressed Congress, claiming that ...
Lech Wałęsa, who helped topple his Communist government in 1989, rebuked President Donald Trump in a letter signed by 38 ...
The letter comes amid heightened tensions in U.S.-Ukraine relations as Washington debates continued military aid to Kyiv.
Legendary Polish anti-Communist Lech Wałęsa has slammed Donald Trump’s Oval Office attack on Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky, ...
We haven't seen the worst yet, but before we get there, we're looking at the causes and consequences of potential wars.
Trump launched the week telling Americans that his administration would work to take "America’s destiny into our own hands" ...
From Korea to Cuba, America has been at its best diplomatically when it has encouraged its friends to be candid ...
The Nobel Peace Prize-winner posted the text of the letter, which was signed by 39 Polish former political prisoners, on ...