No solar superstorm as powerful as the 1859 event has occurred since, so it is difficult to calculate what impact a comparable storm might have on today’s more wired world. A hint came with the ...
Historically, the Carrington Event of 1859 demonstrated the havoc solar storms could wreak, disabling telegraph systems across continents. In today's interconnected world, the stakes are much higher.
A rare, violent solar storm could knock out vulnerable satellite systems and leave ships stranded without navigation, ...
In 1859, an invisible wave crashed into the Earth ... Lights danced in the sky. It was the largest solar storm ever recorded. If it happened today, it would jeopardize global telecommunications ...
The most intense solar storm on record occurred in 1859, causing auroras as far south as Central America and potentially reaching Hawaii. "We are not expecting that," commented Shawn Dahl ...