The device developed under the leadership of Professor Igor Konstantinov from BelSU, is a spherical camera made from 12 optical modules for shooting panoramic photos and videos in UltraHD format.
If you buy through our links, we may get a commission. At the push of a button, a 360 camera, also known as a spherical camera, can capture everything in front, behind, above and below.
The Ladybug6, the most sophisticated high-resolution camera, is crafted to obtain spherical 360-degree images from moving platforms in any kind of weather. Its industrial-grade design and ...
you need a 360 camera. With a pair of lenses facing in opposite directions, the best 360 cameras shoot and stitch spherical video. This means you can capture unique perspectives and crop in on act ...
It first released the original GoPro Max 360 in 2019, so it was quite ... news only dedicated two sentences to the actual camera: "The 5.6K spherical camera now comes with a MAX Enduro Battery ...
The original Max was unveiled in late 2019 and since then GoPro hasn't launched new 360 cameras. Towards the end of 2019, GoPro unveiled the Max, ...
360° renders provide an immersive render experience to communicate architectural spaces in the round. The Cinerender engine in Archicad is a Spherical Camera that allows the production of high ...
360 video is a spherical video format which ... you’ll need a much better camera. If you can, you should aim to shoot in 3D. Each shot will need to be much longer because it takes time for ...
Because to create a successful VR platform, users need the ability to create their own content - that’s where the Gear 360 comes in. The spherical camera was announced at MWC 2016, and features ...
you need a 360 camera. With a pair of lenses facing in opposite directions, the best 360 cameras shoot and stitch spherical video. This means you can capture unique perspectives and crop in on act ...
Because to create a successful VR platform, users need the ability to create their own content - that’s where the Gear 360 comes in. The spherical camera was announced at MWC 2016, and features ...