On this third Sunday of Lent, we are invited to become aware of God’s presence through living things like bushes and fig ...
NOTE: Christ in Our Neighborhood is a parish-based program consisting of small Christian communities that gather in the home ...
Perhaps this also explains why lectionary compilers did not scruple to set Luke 13.1-9 (Lent 3) after Luke 13.31-35 (Lent 2), and why they make a single lection out of one encounter, reflecting on ...
Luke’s vision of Jesus is deeply attuned to God’s compassion, justice and concern for those most impoverished and marginalized, offering a radical invitation to all to enter into the kingdom of God.
Sunday, March 16, is the Second Sunday of Lent. Mass readings: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18; Psalm 27:1, 7-8, 8-9, 13-14; Philippians 3:17-4:1 or Philippians 3:20-4:1; Luke 9:28b-36.
Look. Look for opportunities to sacrifice, to give, to sow compassion or inspire hope. Look around you for those in need: the ...
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, signifying the beginning of the six ... which is described in the New Testament as occurring on the third day of his burial. This year, Easter Sunday is on ...
Easter falls on Sunday, April 20, this year. Ahead of the holiday, many Christians will observe Lent, a 40-day period of self-reflection and sacrifice. The six-week period begins on Ash Wednesday ...
Here’s the origin of Ash Wednesday, Lent, Good Friday and Easter, when Lent ends and why the dates they fall on change every year.
According to Christian teachings, Jesus was crucified, died and was buried, and on the third day — Easter Sunday — he rose from the dead. Lent, a 40-day period of prayer and fasting in ...