The slight turn of the head. The brief pause in the conversation. “When you say ‘acrobatics and tumbling,’ especially ‘acrobatics,’ people think of the circus,” McDermott said with a ...
This was a must win — and they won. What now? No. 4 Oregon acrobatics and tumbling (2-1) pulled out a second-half victory to ...
No. 4 Oregon acrobatics and tumbling (2-1) got back on the winning train with its comeback win over No. 3 Gannon last week.
Baylor’s No. 1-ranked acrobatics and tumbling squad will face Duquesne for the first time in program history on Tuesday in ...
In their first stop on the road of their Spring Break trip to Alabama, East Texas Baptist University fell to the University ...
Baylor’s acrobatics and tumbling team swept this week’s awards from the NCATA, as Payton Washington won Athlete of the Week while Jordan Gruendler was the Specialist of the Week.
The Cutoff News Sports coverage is brought to you by Kimbrell Grocery, American Cheerleading Centers Home Of The Bama All ...
Whispers around Simpson College’s campus became louder recently about the possible development of a new athletic facility ...
The Morgan State University Acrobatics and Tumbling team just can't keep their feet on the ground.This morning on FOX45 ...