I booked Amtrak's private roomette on an overnight train from NYC to Miami in 2021. It packed a lot into 20 square feet.
The Amtrak bedroom was twice the size of the roomette and included a couch and an enclosed bathroom with a shower.
I'll never forget my first overnight train trip in October 2021. I took an Amtrak Viewliner train from my home in New York City to Miami and spent the 30-hour ride in a roomette — a 20-square-foot ...
Amtrak offers roomettes and bedrooms for passengers on long-haul journeys, providing comfort and privacy options during travel. Roomettes include two seats that convert into beds, with perks like ...
I spent a night in a private bedroom on an Amtrak sleeper train for $1,000 in October 2021. With unparalleled privacy and space, it's the most comfortable Amtrak accommodation I've booked yet.
How much does an Amtrak bedroom cost? Limited Time Fares*One travelerTwo travelers^Roomette$99$149Bedroom$249$299Coach$59$118*Plus the cost of your vehicle ^Double occupancy required for Roomettes and ...
I spent 60 hours on overnight Amtrak trains traveling between NYC and Miami. I booked a 20-square-foot roomette for $500 and a $1,000 bedroom twice the size. The extra 20 square feet in the ...
For my first overnight Amtrak ride in 2021, I booked a roomette on a Viewliner train. Then, in 2025, I booked a roomette on a newly upgraded Superliner train. The rooms had similar layouts, but modern ...
I took a 30-hour Amtrak train traveling from New York City to Miami in October 2021. I booked a $500 roomette, a private cabin with two beds, a toilet, and basic amenities. At around 20 square feet, I ...