I booked Amtrak's private roomette on an overnight train from NYC to Miami in 2021. It packed a lot into 20 square feet.
The Amtrak bedroom was twice the size of the roomette and included a couch and an enclosed bathroom with a shower.
I'll never forget my first overnight train trip in October 2021. I took an Amtrak Viewliner train from my home in New York City to Miami and spent the 30-hour ride in a roomette — a 20-square-foot ...
I spent a night in a private bedroom on an Amtrak sleeper train for $1,000 in October 2021. With unparalleled privacy and space, it's the most comfortable Amtrak accommodation I've booked yet.
Savings options are also available for travel in private rooms aboard Amtrak trains. The discounted pricing can be booked between Tuesday, February 11, and Thursday, February 20, for travel between ...
I spent 60 hours on overnight Amtrak trains traveling between NYC and Miami. I booked a 20-square-foot roomette for $500 and a $1,000 bedroom twice the size. The extra 20 square feet in the bedroom — ...