For the past two decades, scientists have been manipulating genes to grow human cells where you wouldn’t quite expect them.
Let’s be clear – we’re talking about the most amount of teeth found inside the mouth of an animal at any one time ... constantly growing new teeth in razor-sharp rows that can number ...
Researchers have developed a way to grow human-sized tooth-like tissues in the mouths of pigs – this may be a lot to chew on, ...
Nicknamed the Ginsu shark after the kitchen knife that slices and dices, Cretoxyrhina ripped apart prey with a mouth full of razor-sharp, bone-shearing teeth. Evidence suggests Cretoxyrhina fed on ...
They're actually the longest teeth in the human mouth. So what are these long, sharp teeth doing among our short, stubby ones? Well, contrary to popular belief, it's not for tearing and ripping meat.
They are large-bodied and display a mouthful of sharp teeth that protrude in all directions, even when the mouth is shut. Despite this, they are a docile, non-aggressive species, known to attack ...
As any five-year-old child familiar with dinosaurs seems to know intuitively, animals with differently shaped teeth eat different things (Figure 1). While tyrannosaurid teeth are sharp and ...
Not all animals have the same teeth. You can tell what type of food an animal eats by looking at what is inside its mouth. If an animal has sharp, pointed teeth like a lion, then it is usually a ...