Here’s how Stanisław Lem predicted the future we live in. Stanisław Lem was probably the first sci-fi writer to accurately predict the end of paper books and the arrival of electronic formats and ...
This is to clarify certain matters pertaining to the ouster of Stanislaw Lem from the SFWA. When Philip José Farmer wrote to SFWA saying that he and I (Philip K. Dick) would resign from SFWA if Lem ...
Stanislaw Lem, trans. from the Polish by Joel Stern, Maria Swiecicka-Ziemianek and Antonia Lloyd-Jones. MIT, $17.95 trade paper (200p) ISBN 978-0-262-53850-3 The late Lem (1921–2006 ...
We are only seeking Man. We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. (§[6]:72) In this brief passage from one of SF’s most popular and powerful novels, Lem describes much of what is both ...