The banshee is linked to Tuatha Dé Danann – a race of fairies in Irish mythology. “Banshee” itself means “fairy woman” in Gaelic. As Anthony explains: “The Tuatha Dé Danann is ...
“The name of this dreaded attendant is variously pronounced as Banshee, Banshi, and Benshee, being translated by different ...
By Soncirey Mitchell Reader Staff Due to the Irish diaspora and humanity’s love of drink, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide with green-themed decorations and pints of Guinness. Since most ...
Amid a hushed studio audience, Byrne announced his next guest was going to talk about the banshee, a particular type of phantom known in traditional Irish belief. Alone in the house and terrified ...
The Banshee is the story of a woman whose appearance ... These supernatural abilities make her a myth rather than a legend. She pops up across Irish, Scottish and Welsh stories.