“While calisthenics exercises like pull-ups and bodyweight ... How Sit in a lat pull-down machine and hold the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing ...
“For most barbell exercises, like a deadlift or squat, you have to control the bar 100 percent of the time ... 50mm round area on the end designed to hold Olympic-sized plates.
Wrist curls are a traditional exercise that isolates the flexor muscles of the forearm. To do this exercise, sit on a bench ...
At its most basic definition, a superset is when you do two exercises back to back with little to no rest between them, ...
The barbell curl is a classic exercise for isolating the biceps. It requires you to grasp a barbell with an underhand grip ...
There's a piece of kit that reformer Pilates enthusiasts can buy to help them recreate these kinds of workouts at home, and it's called a Pilates Bar.
Below, Johnson has pieced together a four-part superset workout that's designed to ... it's just your triceps shifting the weight. Hold a cable bar with underhand grip, shoulder width apart.