Bon voyage, old friend, I love you ... This is a period of mourning. Sure, Bill Walton was an NBA legend. But in the Grateful Dead orbit, he was just a fan – and that made him a legend here ...
Both embraced the counterculture, so the friendship of basketball star Bill Walton ... ceremony was not Walton's lone visit to Worcester. Walton was a big fan of the Grateful Dead, often to ...
Mickey Hart, the drummer for the Grateful Dead. Every time I encountered Bill, he was smiling as broadly as he did the day he celebrated with Rip City back in ‘77. Walton regularly attended ...
Bill Walton, a La Mesa native, graduate of Helix High School and longtime Marston Hills resident, died May 27 from colon cancer ...
Award-winning musician Bobby Weir talks about LeBron James' pursuit of the NBA all-time scoring record during guest appearance on 'Throw It Down' With Bill Walton. Grateful Dead founder Bobby Weir ...