The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy residing near our Milky Way, visible to the naked eye as a luminous patch of ...
The spiral galaxy 2MASX J23453268−0449256 is located nearly 1 billion light-years away from Earth, and measures about three ...
Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This giant black hole is located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the nearest ...
The Large Magellanic Cloud is one of the most well-studied galaxies, but new findings suggest it might have been holding a ...
Fast-moving stars in the Milky Way received a powerful kick from the Large Magellanic Cloud — and a central black hole might ...
a satellite of our galaxy, may have its own supermassive black hole. Evidence for this hidden cosmic titan was delivered via hypervelocity stars at the edge of the Milky Way; these 'runaway stars ...
A new study of super-fast-moving stars suggests that they were accelerated by a monster black hole that's been lurking unseen in the galaxy next door. This appears to be the closest supermassive black ...
"We would like to understand the difference between these systems, which holds the clue to understand just how many cosmic rays are produced in the jets of microquasars." ...
Studies suggest they were accelerated by Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. But at least 21 hypervelocity stars detected are consistent with being ejected by ...
A team of Harvard astrophysicists discovered a supermassive black hole at the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Milky ...