Looking to adopt a wild burro or wild horse? Burro Palooza might be the thing for you. The local installment of Burro Palooza ...
If you've got $125 and you can prove you'll provide humane care, adopting a burro might be your next big life decision.
Many ended up in sanctuaries like this one, Diana Chontos’ Wild Burro Rescue. #FIXME Descriptive Unqiue Link Text #FIXME Descriptive Unqiue Link Text These donkeys don’t seem to mind the change. They ...
Any number of travelers on the desert roads of Western Arizona know about the region’s wild burros, as well as how curious they can be. Now the London Bridge Visitor ...
Wild horses and burros are to be managed according to the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act of 1971, which not only specifies where wild horses and burros can occupy public lands but that they ...
Many wild horse and burro herds are being managed at such dangerously low numbers that their long-term health and genetic viability are seriously imperiled. In 1999, the federal government sponsored a ...
The Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act would end the use of helicopters in roundups of wild horses and burros. Helicopter roundups (which are euphemistically termed “gathers” by the federal ...
Also called Hendry's Beach by locals who love to walk their dogs here (there are even dog-washing stations), Arroyo Burro Beach is a pretty stretch of sand with plenty of options for outdoor fun.
The Arizona Bureau of Land Management says that their shelter is almost at capacity with wild horses and burros.
Wild horses and burros are to be managed according to the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act of 1971, which not only specifies where wild horses and burros can occupy public lands but that they ...