"Canada lynx are endangered in Vermont and threatened ... northeastern Minnesota, northwestern Montana, northern Idaho, ...
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to ...
Canada lynx likely had historically roamed over the ... and in the Yellowstone National Park regions of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Daniel Thornton, an associate professor at Washington State ...
Canada lynx primarily lives in Canada’s boreal forest region and most of Alaska. Occasionally, they are also spotted in the northern parts of states like Washington, Montana, Minnesota ...
Trapping, habitat destruction, climate change and other threats continue to harm the Canada lynx. Although once more widespread, lynx currently reside in small breeding populations in Minnesota, Idaho ...
DESCRIPTION: Canada lynx are medium-sized felines with long legs; large, furry paws; long, black ear tufts; and a short, black-tipped tail. Adult males usually weight about 22 pounds and reach about ...