If you haven't seen many geese around, don't worry; they're not gone for good.Matthew Shumar, program coordinator of the Ohio ...
In late morning on a bitterly cold day this week, with the outside temperature at 26 degrees, I heard the unmistakable “teakettle, teakettle” song of a Carolina wren from somewhere in my yard in ...
Carolina wrens have slightly more reddish plumage than northern house wrens. These stocky birds have a white eye stripe, bright rusty-brown plumage and beige below. They measure about 5 3/4 inches ...
The term “snowbirds” sometimes refers to people who head south to avoid the cold and snow of winter. There are some real ...
S tand still long enough in the Upstate and a Carolina wren might nest in your pocket. It’s maybe a slight exaggeration, but not much, as anyone who’s found a nest in the gril ...
In most of range distinctive tail and supercilium prevent confusion with other wrens. Where populations of the eastern subspecies-group overlap with Carolina wren, confusion possible. However ...
Here’s the Central Texas bird forecast for the month, courtesy of Travis Audubon. Learn more about Central Texas birds and ...
Stand still long enough in the Upstate and a Carolina wren might nest in your pocket. It’s maybe a slight exaggeration, but not much, as anyone who’s found a nest in the grill of a parked car ...