Hello everyone, my name is Cel Spellman and it is so great to be with you today. I'm an actor, I'm a presenter, and I'm also very passionate about the environment and sustainability. But what ...
During a ceremony hosted by Cel Spellman, an actor and presenter and Diana Chao, a former award winner, Prince William presented awards to each of the 20 award recipients who had flown in from ...
Join WWF Ambassador Cel Spellman and Youth Ambassadors Will and Hattie to find out more about A Million Hands and WWF’s theme, Protecting Our Environment. You can also follow along with a fun seed ...
Abby and Cel Spellman show us how to grow our own veggies, herbs and salads without the need for an outdoor green space. You can make all three of these brilliant ideas in the comfort of your own ...
Who is the Biggest Belter of our Singers?! Find out as Cel Spellman puts them to the test against the belt-o-meter to find who can belt out them notes the loudest! Don't miss The V Room as the ...
Hosted by our very own Cel Spellman, the show will come live from our backstage bar tucked away behind the main stage, giving Cel unrivalled access to Coaches will.i.am, Sir Tom Jones, Jennifer ...