Students, especially those with family or job responsibilities, often turn to an online degree program for its flexibility. With online education, learning is not confined to a physical classroom.
This week, General Discharge brings you some general (no pun intended) knowledge on one of the most overlooked ways of getting cheap and fast college credit. CLEP, which stands for College Level ...
An impressive 71% of our online bachelor’s degree students transferred in college credits, saving them valuable time and money toward earning their degree. 1 What is the cheapest degree to obtain? We ...
An online bachelor's degree offers many benefits – convenience, the ability to maintain a full-time job outside of school, flexible hours and a unique learning environment – but is cost one of ...
Cuban says opting for a "cheap" school could be your best route. DON'T MISS: The ultimate guide to earning passive income online For some, that could mean opting for a public university with lower ...