Mayor Brandon Johnson gathered CPS and CTU leaders ahead of a critical vote to amend the school district’s budget to pay for ...
Of the 250 responses returned by the close of business Friday, 62 agreed to cut their already-negotiated prices by 3%, while ...
U.S. District Judge LaShona Hunt’s has ordered the city to speed the painfully slow installation of electronic audio signals, ...
Meanwhile, there is still no teachers' strike on the horizon. But after 11 months of negotiating a new deal, Chicago Teachers ...
By opening up the door to the room, Mayor Brandon Johnson is hoping to shut the door on reproving speculation swirling for a ...
The battle is heating up between Chicago Public Schools and City Hall over making a pension payment or finalizing new ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration keeps pushing Chicago Public Schools to maintain payments to a pension fund for ...
Mayor Brandon Johnson and Chicago Board of Education President Sean Harden called the meeting productive, while CTU ...
The chair of City Council’s budget committee and the city’s chief financial officer told school board members they could ...
Several Black aldermen and clergy members rallied ahead of the meeting to urge the council to vote down a proposal from Ald.