Tens of thousands of patients were waiting for routine treatment at Coventry and Warwickshire University Hospitals Trust in ...
Henok Zaid Gebrsslasie was cared for at The Caludon Centre in Coventry The next health worker due to make the observations on the psychiatric intensive care unit ward said he had become distracted ...
Henok Zaid Gebrsslasie died under the care of the Caludon Centre in Coventry A man who was found dead while under the care of a mental health facility was left unchecked for three hours, an ...
NHS England data shows 17,585 under 18s who sought NHS help with their mental health in the NHS Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board area were still waiting for a first appointment ...
Henok Zaid Gebrsslasie died under the care of the Caludon Centre in Coventry A man who died at a mental health facility was found holding a knife when he absconded several days before, an inquest ...