David Grusch testified that he "absolutely" believes the government is in possession of unidentified anomalous phenomenon, or UAPs -- which has replaced UFO in official parlance -- as well as ...
The Pentagon has denied his claims. Retired Maj. David Grusch’s highly anticipated testimony before a House Oversight subcommittee was Congress’ latest foray into the world of UAPs — or ...
Among his many claims made under oath, former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch told the House Oversight Committee that “non-human” beings had been retrieved from spacecraft. A former ...
A former US intelligence officer, David Grusch, has said that the government has recovered various types of non-human biological entities from crashed alien aircrafts. David Grusch, an Air Force ...
The truth may be out there but according to a former US intelligence officer, the government in Washington already holds evidence of extraterrestrial life. The whistleblower, David Grusch, was ...