Modern birds, along with certain snakes and fishes, have skulls whose jaws and palates are not firmly fixed in place.
Scientists now believe that feathers didn’t just appear suddenly in birds. Instead, they evolved step by step from much ...
Families are winding back the clock to convince their kids to eat vegetables — all the way to the Jurassic era — in a TikTok ...
A study of the fossilised fur of six mammals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods has found they were all greyish-brown ...
Modern birds are the living relatives of dinosaurs. Take a look at the features of flightless birds like chickens and ...
Spinosaurus is currently thought to have been the largest carnivorous (meat-eating) dinosaur, weighing in at 7.4 tonnes and ...
In New Jersey, fossilized remains of several late Cretaceous-era dinosaurs and reptiles have been found along a stretch of what used to be a shallow marine environment from Atlantic Highlands in ...
But recent discoveries have completely rewritten the doomed sauropod narrative. I study a lesser known group of sauropod ...
Birds are actually dinosaurs. They evolved from theropods, a group of mostly meat-eaters that included Velociraptor and T.