Below we’ve outlined currently available types of hearing aid batteries, their life spans and how to keep them working. Rechargeable batteries are gaining popularity, but disposable zinc-air ...
It comes with advanced remote adjustments, and you can contact an Audicus audiologist to adjust your hearing aids at any time. This model comes in disposable and rechargeable options that are ...
The prices given below are for hearing aids with disposable batteries. Some retailers charge around £100 more for aids with rechargeable batteries, while some charge the same price. We’ve split the ...
Hearing aids have come a long way in 120 years ... and more difficult to service than disposable cells or alkalines. How about the circuit: a pure analog solution, or a digital solution that ...
Hearing aid tubing is tricky to clean without the right tool. Basically tiny disposable pipe cleaners, these gentle strands are designed to be fed through the tubing in your hearing aids to loosen ...