By the 1970s and ‘80s, despite glam rock’s best attempts to normalize towering heels on stage, men who wanted to add height ...
By Drew Altizer It’s an indisputable fact that dress codes have become increasingly optional. Almost no offices require suits ...
Women can choose dress slacks, skirts or dresses of an appropriate length, blouses, and dress shoes. Casual This dress code is often seen in informal gatherings or social events.
Metallic shoes always look right for a cocktail dress code, as does a metallic bag (for a cool styling trick, alternate your metals so maybe wear silver shoes and carry a gold bag, or vice versa…) ...
Japan Airlines Co. female flight attendants are flying high with the company's planned revision of its work dress code to allow them to wear more comfortable shoes on the job, rather than high heels.
The latter eventually migrated to women’s wear, seen today in stilettos and kitten heels, while stacked leather remains popular in cowboy boots and dress shoes. At the time, higher heels denoted ...