Evil Geniuses are parting ways with the entire EG White roster ... and they projected the Blueprint program to deliver the first-ever 15-player fluid roster by 2023. EG White and EG Black functioned ...
Over the years, Evil Geniuses' became synonymous with Dota 2 in North America. The pillar of NA Dota left the region entirely after releasing their roster in November 2022. TI11 marked the last ...
For decades, the Connecticut Huskies women’s basketball team has been the standard of excellence in college hoops. With 11 ...
To briefly clarify, Evil Genius was the second (and final) game developed by Elixir Studios, which was founded by Hassabis after his departure from Lionhead. The studio closed in 2005, and Rebellion ...
When Yahoo Esports Southeast Asia reached out to Riot regarding the issue, the LCS representative said that Riot is "aware of the allegations surrounding the treatment of Evil Geniuses player Danny".
I've always had a soft spot for Bond villain simulator Evil Genius, a spiritual successor to the Dungeon Keeper series that amped-up the cackling charm and packed-in more spy cliches than you ...