According to a BBB alert, consumers are being warned about fake closeout sale websites that look “quite identical to the real JOANN website with the company’s real logo and images.
Luxury brands use high-quality leather, suede, and canvas that feel premium. If the bag feels plasticky or too stiff, it’s likely a fake. Some real designer bags even have a distinct smell ...
Major corporate brands are, often inadvertently, placing the ads that fund the growing number of web sites that peddle fake news online. WSJ's Lee Hawkins explains.
And, to be clear, Morleys are not a real cigarette brand ... There are several fake brands that cross over into other works, including Acme, Oceanic Air, and Heisler Beer. But one of the most ...
Thanks to social media, brands and consumers alike can think up new holidays wholesale and promote them to a wide audience. For example, while Halloween wasn't created by a company, the candy ...