Francesca Dominici is the Clarence James Gamble professor of Biostatistics, Population and Data Science at the Harvard T.H.
The data hasn’t improved since then, although, fortunately, AI tools have vastly improved and offer new possibilities.
Francesca Dominici, a biostatistics professor at Harvard, underscores the importance of such tools. Her team has used AI to reveal connections between rising local temperatures and antibiotic ...
May 28, 2020, Video, "New research links COVID-19 mortality to air pollution - specifically, small increases in levels of fine particulate matter - explains Prof Francesca Dominici from the Harvard ...
or up to two or three weeks after”, wrote Francesca Dominici, a professor of biostatistics at Harvard. According to the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, sustained air ...
Rosenman, Evan T. R., Francesca Dominici and Luke Miratrix. Empirical Bayes Double Shrinkage for Combining Biased and Unbiased Causal Estimates.. 2023.