The animal usually has a dark purplish, black or steel grey color with bright yellow or yellow-orange spots. Spotted salamanders have poison glands in their skin which activate when the animal ...
The road on Presque Isle is closed starting at 8 p.m. each night now until May 15th or the end of the migration.
Julia Butch, a conservation specialist at Huron Pines, met with volunteer leaders at the Emily Min Hunt Nature Preserve in ...
The spotted salamander is Ohio's state amphibian. This one was discovered in a vernal pond at Indian Creek MetroPark in Reily Township. Salamanders are important indicator species. They are very ...
and over time you might see gray tree frogs, red-spotted newts, spring peepers, upland chorus frogs, wood frogs and spotted salamanders. I dug a vernal pool on my farm, following Gratwicke’s ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va.— The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that it would consider protecting the yellow-spotted woodland salamander under the Endangered Species Act. The agency now has 12 ...