Spring is prime bear-viewing season in Yellowstone National Park, but sometimes you need a keen eye to see them.
Aside from their world-famous geysers, Yellowstone is renowned for its diverse populations of wildlife, especially its ...
Nature Examines the Plight of the American Grizzly Bear Through the Eyes of Its Most Famous Representative, “Grizzly 399: ...
Yellowstone staff locates grizzly bear tracks and a photographer captures footage of a bear out of hibernation. Time for ...
Grizzly tracks are bigger and squarer than black bear tracks. Around the same time, Jackson Hole EcoTour Adventures, a ...
As grizzly bears continue expanding eastward outside of federal recovery zones, landowners are prepping for life with their ...
Can you spot the grizzly bear sow and her three cubs in the image posted immediately below? (Answer at bottom.) Can you spot the grizzly bear momma and three cubs? I first spotted the bears at a ...