Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources wants forest owners’ help fighting spongy moths (formerly ...
One of the tasks that is imperative in protecting mature forests, including oak trees, is spraying for spongy (formerly called gypsy) moths. The Pennsylvania Game Commission has plans to spray ...
Pennsylvania is taking precautions this month against spongy moths, formerly known as gypsy moths, which have been damaging trees across the state for decades. “They are a defoliating ...
Spongy moths (Lymantria dispar dispar, formerly known as the gypsy moth) are a major threat to Pennsylvania’s forests, having killed millions of oak and other tree species, officials said.
Spongy moth caterpillars are wreaking havoc in wooded lots and forests across Pennsylvania ... as “Lymantria dispar” and formerly as gypsy moths, which can cause the most harm to local ...
or spongy/gypsy moth, was introduced to North America in 1869 at Medford, Mass., where it was used in a failed silk-production experiment. The spongy moth first reached Pennsylvania in Luzerne ...
With yesterday’s sun and warm temperatures expected next week, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources recently ...