WIMBLEDON, England—Roger Federer says he is no longer against Hawk-Eye, having been one of the most prominent critics of the replay system when it was first introduced about seven years ago.
Hawk-Eye is considerably more reliable than Human-Eye, if you will, although that doesn’t mean it never makes mistakes. The software is said to have a 2.2 mm margin of error, which can cause ...
The NFL is set to leave the chain gang on the sideline and will plan to adopt Hawk-Eye’s camera-based virtual measurement system starting in the 2025 season.
Beginning next season, the NFL is expected to replace the chains — which are used to indicate the line to gain on a series of downs — with the Hawk-Eye virtual measurement system, NFL ...
The 2024-25 high school girls basketball season started with plenty of promise, and a whole lot of questions to be answered.
The SEC will utilize “Hawk-Eye” technology as the basis for its video review system in baseball and softball beginning with the 2025 conference seasons, the league office announced Tuesday.
"What I like without Hawk-Eye is just the players challenging the umpires more often,” he told reporters in Dubai. "The umpires had to be very aware. People today don't lose any energy over ...