It’s not entirely known when the first automobile made its way through McLeod County, but in all likeliness, it was probably quite the spectacle. The “horseless carriage” was not an unknown ...
Welcome to the 20th century. Central Park may be about to reenact the transition from horse-drawn to horseless carriage as the four-footed form of horsepower is replaced by electric motors.
Rhea Purohit in Learning Curve Was this newsletter forwarded to you? Sign up to get it in your inbox. It’s the late 1800s and a brand new horse-drawn carriage just hit America’s dirt roads. Horses are ...
For this month’s selection from the History Center archives, Donna has chosen a full-page advertisement from the 1901 Ithaca ...
Suggested poster topics are listed in the Horseless Horseman Project Workbook.) Labels are provided at project check in. Please leave a space in the lower right corner of the poster for your label.