In November 1990, archaeologists found a burial cave in south Jerusalem, containing 12 bone ... high priest who was behind the crucifixion of Jesus according to the Gospels of the New Testament.
Worshippers in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre ... “In Bethlehem there is shown the cave where [Jesus] was born.” Early in the fourth century, the emperor Constantine sent an ...
Tzaferis discovered four cave-tombs at Giv'at ha-Mivtar (Ras el-Masaref), which is just north of Jerusalem near Mount ... belong to the Jewish cemetery of Jesus' time that extends from Mount ...
JERUSALEM — Sometimes the most significant ... “This is the best-documented Roman court case from Iudaea apart from the trial of Jesus.” The defendants in this ancient legal drama were ...
Subsequent to that first discovery, eleven different caves have ... the worldliness of Jerusalem and the worldliness of the Temple. Now the Essenes aren't a new group in Jesus' day.
Recent archaeological findings from Tinshemet Cave in central Israel have unveiled ... excavation leader and researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "During the mid-MP, climatic ...
A hillside with caves, houses and buildings ... The chief interest about Jerusalem to-day is the fact that it forms a kind of monument or concrete expression of the awful tragedy which ended in the ...
It is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey ... taken down from the cross and buried in a cave tomb. The tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers ...