The John Wesley United Methodist Church in Falmouth is a popular venue for performances. The church welcomes audiences to concerts by the Falmouth Chorale, Skylark Vocal Ensemble and Falmouth Jazz, ...
Alfred Street Baptist Church’s Reverend Dr. Howard-John Wesley is joining us on The Good Word series Sunday at 10am on Fox Local after recently making headlines about his decision to sever ties with ...
At their regular Friday morning breakfast meeting Feb. 28 the Methodist Men’s fellowship of Stillwater’s First United ...
Returning to London John became a travelling preacher and a leader in the Methodist movement which eventually separated from the Church of England and established its own chapels. Among these was the ...
Music plays an important part in worship in the Methodist Church. There is a strong tradition of singing. Charles Wesley (brother of John Wesley) wrote over 7,000 hymns, many of which are still ...