The new super sewer system is just a couple of bolts away from being ready to carry millions of tonnes of Londoners’ waste. Thankfully, the London sewers and whatever is inside them are usually ...
Dan and Dunya met in 2013 when a fatberg was causing havoc in London Became fascinated by the sewer blockages made of congealed lumps of fat Dan secretly arranged trip to London sewers to mark one ...
London's new £5bn super sewer has been fully connected and is already stopping half a million tonnes of sewage from entering the River Thames, the firm behind it has said. After 10 years of ...
This gigantic fatberg, made up of oil, grease, wet wipes, and nappies, was found blocking London's sewer systems. The huge blob weighed 130 tonnes - roughly the same weight as 11 double decker buses.
Ever wondered about the gory and grimy details of history? 3 words: London’s sewers system; the exact system that is used by 9 million people quotidianly and in no understatement, is the ...
Ten years after construction began, and £5 billion later, London’s ‘super sewer’ is finally ready for action. The Thames Tideway Tunnel, to give it its official but less-fun name ...