The values that guided them then—generosity, perseverance, bravery, and wisdom—continue to serve the Lakota people today. Mandy Van Heuvelen Cegape or Strike the Kettle (Lakota, ca.
Rounds, Thune, introduce bill to name Pierre federal building after Lakota matriarch and World War II veteran Marcella LeBeau.
And a lot of people have this in their gardens and things like that because when these flower, they have gorgeous dark flowers on them. But this is also a sacred medicine for the Lakota and Dakota ...
A certain falsehood came to our agency from the west which had the effect of a fire upon the Indians, and when this certain fire came upon our people those who had farsightedness and could see ...
This story appears in the August 2012 issue of National Geographic magazine. Almost every historical atrocity has a geographically symbolic core, a place whose name conjures up the trauma of a ...
Tolloak, a junior in Pforzheimer House concentrating in Integrative Biology on the premedical track, died on Jan. 17 after a brief illness. He was 21.
By their fruits you will know them' Out our way, in the heart of what we all (including Native people) call "Indian Country"; we are surrounded by reservations. The Chippewa-Cree, the Gros Ventre, ...
As the museum looks ahead to the dedication of the National Native American Veterans Memorial, Chief Lakota talks to us about the women in her family who have inspired her and the people for whom ...