The size of the wake decreases, indicating that the boundary layer separation on the cylinder or sphere occurs further along the surface than before. What has happened? The phenomenon is related to ...
We have found that low levels of helium injection near the leading edge stabilizes the turbulent boundary layer, apparently causing a reverse transition to laminar flow to take place. These results ...
In particular, the classical problem of laminar boundary layer over a flat plate is discussed and the separate roles of momentum, heat, and mass transfer are shown to lead to hydro-thermo-diffusive ...
A specific measurement technique based on the use of TSP enables us to visualize the laminar-to-turbulent boundary-layer transition on wind tunnel models. This is of great interest for high Reynolds ...
the stability analysis methods NOLOT and AHLNS for the laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition. At DLR Göttingen, we operate the Cryogenic Ludwieg Tube Wind Tunnel (KRG) for transonic experiments ...