City Council passed a routine bill that amended the Philadelphia Code in order to preserve the Land Bank’s ability to acquire ...
The public agency has funding to acquire new parcels for affordable housing and community gardens, but is still not a priority bidder.
Local officials Thursday received a crash course from the Ohio Land Bank Association’s leader, who explained various methods that land banks across the state can employ to combat blight in their ...
The city created a land bank in 2021 to help turn vacant properties into more affordable homes. But the land bank has only ...
Executive director Amy Hamrick said the land bank wasn't able to submit its grant application because the seller hadn't ...
"This is the first time we are really dipping our toes into the water and helping small landlords get access to funds to ...
The city of Wichita created a land bank in 2021 to ease affordable housing development in the center of the city. But four ...