Suominen Oyj, pörssitiedote 5.3.2025 klo 9.45 Suominen Oyj:n osakkeenomistajat kutsutaan varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseen, joka pidetään perjantaina 25.4.2025 klo 12.00 alkaen Messukeskuksessa (Holiday In ...
All candidates are independent of the company’s significant shareholders, with the exceptions of Andreas Ahlström and Maija Joutsenkoski. The largest shareholder of Suominen Corporation ...
Suominen Corporation’s stock exchange release on March 5, 2025, at 9:45 a.m. (EET) ...
Gail Ciccione’s and Maija Joutsenkoski’s CVs are attached to this stock exchange release. The proposed current members of the Board of Directors are presented on the company website