John O'Malley, a distinguished scholar of the Renaissance and Reformation, has decisively challenged this interpretation, emphasizing the variety, vitality, and complexity of Catholicism in the early ...
It then radiates across the full spectrum of Catholic culture. Architectural design, for example, is often felt to signal an Ancient or a Modern bias in both doctrine and praxis. So is artistic style.
Undergraduate: Origins of the Modern World to 1500, History of the Jesuits, Catholic Tradition to 1540, Catholic Tradition since 1540, History of Catholicism, Reformation Era, Historian's Craft ...
Bulletin of the Comediantes 71.1-2 (2019): 103-17. "The male body and Catholic piety in Early Modern Spain." Body and Religion 3.2 (2019): 130-49. “Living with Rodolfo and Cervantes’s ‘La fuerza de la ...