A new study showed that chewing gum releases microplastics, which can then be swallowed and absorbed by the body.
Stop munching on that plastic. The U.S. National Institute of Health estimates that over 350 billion pieces of chewing gum ...
A recent study found that chewing gum can release up to thousands of microplastics per piece and potentially be ingested, ...
Most commercial chewing gum, commonly labeled as "synthetic gum," achieves its elasticity through petroleum-derived ...
Now you can add your favorite chewing gum to the list, thanks to the alarming findings of a new study. Chewing gum, whether ...
If we subject any type of plastic to stress, be it heat, friction, sunlight, seawater, or in this case vigorous mastication, ...
Chewing gum releases hundreds of tiny plastic pieces straight into people's mouths, researchers said on Tuesday, also warning ...
Researchers say chewing gums are made from a rubbery base, sweetener, flavorings, and other ingredients, and both synthetic ...