Online Orientation modules cover a variety of topics such as: UNG technology, academic information, academic advising, paying for college, student involvement and support services. New freshmen and ...
We are accepting applications for the roles of Orientation Leader and Orientation Content Creator. We invite you to learn more about the functions and requirements for each of these Orientation roles.
To ease the adjustment, colleges and universities offer orientation, which helps students learn more about college life and campus traditions. "We want to give students access to resources ...
The Blue Hen Family Hub provides orientation content and other information and resources to the families of new UD students. Family members are invited to join the Hub via email prior to the start of ...
We are thrilled that you have chosen to join our organization! As a part of your onboarding experience, all new hires are required to attend a virtual New Employee Orientation (NEO). When: Every ...
Access the new student portal to register for or change your orientation date, verify your major, and review additional steps you may need to take before attending orientation. Log in with your Miami ...
All Aboard Purdue is the orientation process for spring, summer and fall beginners. At its core, All Aboard Purdue includes four steps: Purdue 101, Purdue Advising, Purdue 102 and Purdue Welcome. This ...
Orientation and Transition Programs serves as a central resource for new Miami students and their family members. We want you to have a successful academic and social transition to college through the ...