It is indeed Jesus’ triumphant entry into our various Churches and place of worship! I hope you are ready to receive Him? In his Palm Sunday sermon the Holy Father, Pope Francis, declares ...
Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian communities celebrate Palm Sunday, marking the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred time of year for Christians. (The Orthodox Christian community ...
Christmas might be the most wonderful time of the year, but Holy Week is the holiest. Next week, we have the opportunity to once again, or for the first time, hear just how far God would go in his ...
Starting with with Palm Sunday on March 24 ... we look forward to gaining valuable insight from Jesus’ life, worship and fellowship together, and celebrate communion together as we look ahead ...
What might it be like to travel on a journey on the back of a donkey? Share ideas. Find out how Palm Sunday is celebrated around the world. Are there elements of the celebrations that are the same ...