Paul Sinha hosts the TV-themed comedy quiz show. Team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett are joined by special guests Anita Rani, Sarah Hadland, Ed Byrne and Jamie ...
In the recent episode, competitor Greg faced The Chaser Paul 'The Sinnerman' Sinha and tackled a question ... filming schedule for the popular quiz show and how he relaxes afterwards.
On the show, Pete and one other remaining contestant were caught out by Chaser Paul Sinha with just a second on the clock, making it incredibly close to a rare win. However, Pete died before he ...
Paul Sinha issued an update about the future of Beat The Chasers. The ITV show is a spin-off of the most popular gameshow on TV, The Chase and has been a success since it first aired in 2020.
Paul Sinha released a short statement after being bested by a team on The Chase. Bradley Walsh introduced four new contestants, all eager to leave the show with some winnings. The first contestant ...
Two contestants on ITV's The Chase managed to win a huge payout in the final round against Chaser Paul Sinha. Photos / ITV ... the British game show’s largest prize ever. The last time a team ...
Episode 6 - Chaser, comedian and TV trivia genius Paul Sinha hosts the TV-themed comedy quiz show.Team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett are joined by special guests Anita Rani, Sarah Hadland ...
Episode 2 - Paul Sinha hosts the TV-themed comedy quiz show.Team captains Fay Ripley and Rob Beckett are joined by guests Georgia Toffolo, Sindhu Vee, Chris McCausland and Jonathan Ross. More info ...