Town halls are among the strategies that Democrats are using to try to get their base fired up against the Trump White House.
BETHLEHEM, CT (WFSB) - Every spring, people from all over visit the small Connecticut town of Bethlehem. They come to see the lilacs and a special home made even more famous in a book that has ...
“It is such a joy for our congregation to be able to come together and offer ... that is required to make this happen is people. We have a saying as Bethlehem approaches that ‘it takes a ...
A procession in Bethlehem re-enacts the first Palm Sunday ... Christians receive palms because the belief is that people laid palms along Jesus' path when he arrived in Jerusalem the week before ...
"Now only a few locals come by sometimes ... everyone should remember that Jesus was born in Bethlehem to call people to peace, said the Greek Orthodox priest. According to the United Nations ...
They consulted the Old Testament prophecies and informed Herod that the prophet Micah had written about Bethlehem, “Out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.” ...