The frozen layers of Earth’s permafrost have long been a mystery, hiding secrets from thousands of years ago. Climate change, ...
Earth’s frozen places — ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost — are melting: a clear sign of climate change and a planet ...
Arctic permafrost thaw endangers the livelihoods, security, health, and food stability of the populations residing in these northern regions.
Siberian Anthrax outbreak wasn’t just a freak accident—it was a warning shot. Thawing permafrost had awakened something ...
In mountain ranges around the world, glaciers are melting as global temperatures rise. Europe's Alps and Pyrenees lost 40% of ...
From unstable slopes to rock falls, thawing permafrost will have many consequences for mountain regions, including the Swiss ...
Thawing permafrost can lead to the mobilization of contaminants, affecting drinking water quality and food safety in Arctic ...
Melissa Ward Jones discusses research focused on understanding the interactions of permafrost thaw and agriculture ...
Arctic temperatures spiked 36 degrees Fahrenheit, or 20 Celsius, above normal. By the end of the month, sea ice was at its ...
Accelerating glacier melt could trigger an avalanche of cascading impacts on economies, ecosystems and communities.
Arctic kelp absorbs metals from melting glaciers, increasing mercury levels by 72%. This could harm marine life and fisheries ...