Known as the "place of the skull," Golgotha is said to be the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Purportedly located just ...
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CROSS WHERE JESUS DIED? According to some writings in ... who tried to explain how the finding took place and the person responsible for it. This version stars Helena, saint ...
WHAT TIME DID JESUS DIE? - The narrator mentions that in the ... the tribune to hand over the body to them so that they can place it in a tomb, their remains were wrapped in a cloth, which over ...
The Book of Acts records or reports that there was a special event that took place at Pentecost, which would have been the next pilgrimage festival after the Passover at which Jesus died.
“Put your sword back in its place” Jesus said to him, “all who take the sword will die by the sword". Jesus said that he could call for help from God, but then how would the prophecies in ...
A slightly older female also died from conflagration ... Hence, according to Jn 20, Jesus said to Thomas, 'place your finger here and observe my arms...' The legs had been pressed together ...