After the kings were expelled from Rome and before the Julio-Claudians established the first imperial dynasty, the consuls ...
They had the power to block laws from consuls that they thought were unfair. Caesar was a Roman consul from 46BC to 44BC. He was eventually given the title of ‘dictator for life’ in 44BC ...
As consul, Caesar wanted to pay off Pompey’s ... Between 58 and 50 BC, Caesar used his expertise in military strategy, along with the Roman army’s training and discipline to conquer and ...
The babies were added in the AD1400s. The two most powerful people in the senate were the consuls. Every year, the citizens of the Roman Republic voted for who they wanted to be consul.
The constitution of the Roman republic was characterised by the separation of powers between the tribune of the plebs, the senate of the patricians, and the elected consuls. The consuls held the ...