Chickweed. Phyllanthus. Catbriar and more. These unwanted guests are popping up in our yards. Here's what you need to know to get rid of them.
During the first year of a biennial weed's life, it will germinate and grow but won't flower. Instead, you'll see a cluster of leaves close to the ground, referred to as basal rosettes.
Biennial weeds like poison hemlock, and some establishing perennial weeds, can often be observed in their rosette stage at ...
Q: I have lots of this weird weed popping up in my rock beds out front and wonder what they’ll grow up to be. The leaves are ...
All during the long cold, dry winter there was not a hint of green, it looked like there was not going to be much of a weed problem to deal ...
These are hand held, lightweight gadgets - all you do is pass the flame over the weeds, the tops blacken and quickly die. Many shallow rooted, rosette forming lawn weeds can be removed with a ...
This turf weed is generally considered to be an annual, though it may be a bit longer lived under some New Zealand conditions where the summers aren’t quite as dry as many places where this weed lives ...
Twin cress (formerly Coronopus didymus) is an annual weed that can germinate at any time of the year, though typically it establishes mainly in spring and autumn. As a seedling, it is a rosette rather ...
The weeds that are cheerfully growing in our yards right now are ones that thrive in cool weather. Many are easy to cope with. For instance, the Asiatic hawksbeard has a rosette of leaves and ...